Re: Feedback on draft-nottingham-http-link-header-03, was: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-nottingham-http-link-header-03

Mark Nottingham wrote:
> On 02/12/2008, at 2:54 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:
>> - We miss a "I18N Considerations" Section. It probably should mention 
>> IRIs in general, and how to I18Nize the title parameter (-> RFC 2231???)
> How about:
>       <t>The title parameter is used to label the destination of a link 
> such that it can be used
>         as identification within a human-readable menu. The title 
> parameter MAY have character set
>         and language information present as per <xref 
> target="RFC2231"/>.</t>
> ...

It's good for telling people where to go when they need it. It may not 
be sufficient for ensuring that recipients actually implement it.

Also note that RFC 2231 encoding affects the grammar.

That being said, I already volunteered to profile and clarify RFC 2231 
for use in HTTP, but I'm not there yet 

If we can reach agreement that it's sufficient to support only some 
parts of RFC 2231 (no continuations, no charsets other than ISO8859-1 
and UTF-8), I can try to condense that statement into a very short 

BR, Julian

Received on Wednesday, 10 December 2008 09:36:53 UTC