Re: NEW ISSUE: message-body in CONNECT response

On Nov 28, 2007, at 3:20 PM, Robert Siemer wrote:
> I read the last sentence as "all other respones - defined in this  
> spec - do
> include a message-body..."

You read it wrong.  The only possible way that a proxy can forward
the response to a method it does not understand is if no method
other than HEAD (for legacy reasons ONLY) is allowed to change the
message delimiting rules.  This applies to anything that uses or
extends HTTP and will not be changed.

As it happens, CONNECT can't be forwarded by proxies without having
understood the method (because it uses a unique request format).
That allows non-compliant behavior to be ignored, but it is still


Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2007 23:58:34 UTC