Re: Does Reason-Phrase allow LWS?

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
>>>> So was the real intent to say: any OCTET except CTLs?
>>> That would disallow spaces. This is literally:
>> No, it wouldn't. TEXT includes SP.
> But "any OCTET except CTLs" does not since CTL includes SP.

No, it doesn't:

     CTL            = <any US-ASCII control character
                      (octets 0 - 31) and DEL (127)>

>>>   OCTET - CTL + LWS - CR - LF
>>> Which is the same as
>>>   OCTET - CTL + SP + HT
>> If that's really the intet, we better say it explicitly.
>> So, is HT allowed in reason phrases?
> According to RFC 2616 it is, because LWS includes it.

OK, so I'd guess the best way to define it would be:

	Reason-Phrase = *( HT | %x20-7E | %x80-FF )

BR, Julian

Received on Friday, 23 November 2007 16:37:09 UTC