Re: Etag-on-write, 2nd attempt (== IETF draft 01)

Lisa Dusseault wrote:
> >Yes, but if the server *doesn't* return an ETag (as mandated by  
> >CalDAV), it simply uses the Last-Modified time stamp again. That  
> >is, it doesn't work at all with servers rewriting the content upon  
> >PUT, no matter whether they return an ETag or not.
> True.  We agree on the facts :)  To me, the implication is that a  
> server that rewrote content would behave best with the Xythos client  
> if it issued one ETag on PUT, then another ETag on server-rewrite.   
> Then the server-rewrite behaves just like a client-rewrite and the  
> Xythos client will eventually download the new content.

Or (near-)equivalently, the PUT response could send the Etag

-- Jamie

Received on Thursday, 14 September 2006 12:07:49 UTC