Re: [Ietf-caldav] Re: draft-reschke-http-addmember-00

Scott Lawrence wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 17:36 +0100, Julian Reschke wrote:
>>So what do I do if a have a resource that accepts HTML form posts,
>>requests and ADDMEMBER-like semantics on the same URL?
> Either:
> - Implement it very very carefully.

Hm. What exactly does that mean?

When POST is applied to that resource with a content type of 
"application/soap+xml", is it supposed to store the attached entity as a 
new resource (with content type "application/soap+xml", returning a 
Location response header with the URL of the new resource), or should it 
process it according to 

> or
> - Change your server organization so that they use different URLs.
>>>The only technical reason why a new method would be required in HTTP
>>>is if the message semantics were different.  For example, POST is
>>Of course. That's why they are defined to be different from POST.
> But that's just the point - from the perspective of HTTP, the proposed
> ADDMEMBER is not fundamentally different from POST.

No, it's a subset, thus it can not be "fundamentelly different". That's 
on purpose.

Best regards, Julian

<green/>bytes GmbH -- -- tel:+492512807760

Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2005 18:52:51 UTC