Content negotiation between XHTML 1.1 and XHTML Basic?

How is one supposed to configure Apache for content negotiation if you are
serving only XHTML media types?

I'd like to be able to serve XHTML 1.1 for desktop browsers, XHTML Basic for
PDA-type browsers, and XHTML Mobile Profile for mobile phone browsers.

This is my starting point, but it doesn't work as intended. Yes, I know part of
the problem is that most browsers don't send the required quality preference,
but I'm trying to build a test case that would serve as a best-practices
example. Am I on the right track with the three media type configurations below?

AddType application/xhtml+xml;charset=utf-8;qs=1.00 .xhtml
;charset=utf-8;qs=0.90 .xhtmlb
AddType application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml;charset=utf-8;qs=0.80 .wap

Is the profile string enough do differentiate XHTML Basic from XHTML 1.x? If
not, what other method should be used to activate content negotiation? Should I
instead use the level= parameter? For some things its structure is obvious, but
it breaks down for Basic and MP:

application/xhtml+xml;level=1.0 (for XHTML 1.0)
application/xhtml+xml;level=1.1 (for XHTML 1.1)
application/xhtml+xml;level=Basic (for XHTML Basic?)
application/xhtml+xml;level=MP (for XHTML Mobile Profile?)

Peter Sheerin

Received on Tuesday, 9 March 2004 16:20:23 UTC