Re: BNF inconsistency in Language tag in RFC2616

Jim Gettys <> writes:

>     Language-Tag = Primary-subtag *( "-" Subtag )
>     Primary-subtag = 1*8ALPHA
>     Subtag = 1*8(ALPHA / DIGIT)
> HTTP/1.1 RFC 2616 defines these as:
>         language-tag  = primary-tag *( "-" subtag )
>         primary-tag   = 1*8ALPHA
>         subtag        = 1*8ALPHA
> Is there any danger in relaxing the HTTP BNF to remove the
> inconsistency (the hob-goblin of small minds :-))?

I think that would be safe - I doubt anyone is depending on there not
being digits in there, and even if they are, the fallback rules should
make them match on the less-specific primary tag.

Scott Lawrence 

Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2003 13:28:23 UTC