Question of many METHODs


I have a question about HTTP Protocol.
I wonder if all of METHODs have been actually used (or
implemented?) because there are so MANY METHODs

  This function is like UNIX TRCEROUTE COMMAND?
  This is only for Debug?
  Is it useful?

[2] PUT
  Is this the same as FTP PUT?

  This is to delete files on a server?
  If so, isn't it a security issue?

  What the function is for?

A client (User Agent) must support all of these METHODs?
I do not like to implement METHODs which I rarely use.
As XTHML1.1-Basic will include a thin spec for a thin client,
there must be a thin HTTP spec which supports only necessary
I am thinking that above [1],[3] and [4] are not necessary.

Is there anybody who knows such a thin spec?
Any information or opinion is welcomed.


-- Kojiro Goto

Received on Wednesday, 5 April 2000 02:27:41 UTC