draft-ietf-tls-http-upgrade-02 available

A revised version of our draft on 'Upgrading to TLS Within HTTP/1.1'
(draft-ietf-tls-http-upgrade-02.txt) has been sent to IANA, and so
should shortly be available in the usual repositories.
It is available now from:


This revision:

- Clarifies that the https scheme is not modified by this proposal;
it continues to mean 'SSL on TCP port 443'.

- Re-introduces the CONNECT method, to establish an end-to-end-tunnel
across proxies, if necessary before UPGRADE'ing. This is a standards-
track definition of the existing installed base. It is based on Ari
Luotonen's original drafts, but used here to tunnel at port 80 instead
of 443.

- Uses multiple Upgrade tokens to represent a "stack" of protocols which
work together. In this case, "Upgrade: TLS/1.0, HTTP/1.1"

Rohit Khare <rohit@4k-associates.com>,   Scott Lawrence

Received on Tuesday, 17 August 1999 13:54:05 UTC