Re: HTTP/1.1 Error Responses

>My question concerns the appropriate response code to use when rejecting
>a request as incomplete or otherwise unacceptable.  For instance, if
>the users submits a form without supplying a value for a necessary
>field (say an email address), or with an in-appropriate value (say a
>non-existent file type).  
>The server process detects this and wants to reply to say that it
>has rejected the request.  What code should be used in the HTTP header?
>Typically, I suspect a CGI application will use "200 OK", even though the
>body of the message then says "I can't do that because....".  However,
>Section 10.2.1 says that "200 OK" means the request has succeeded, which it

Actually, it has.  POST means only that data has been supplied to the
process, to do with as it wishes. As far as HTTP is concerned, the request
was successfully completed.

>It seems that a "4xx" code would be right.  But which one?  

Either 200 or 400.  None of the others are appropriate because they refer
to specific HTTP interoperability concerns, not to POST data.


Received on Wednesday, 24 March 1999 13:51:07 UTC