
While parsing some HTTP/1.1 requests and responses using Netscape4.5, I found some contradictions with the protocol (RFC 2068)

for example:
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.51 [en] (Win95; I)

The - [en] is not permited in this line.
Is there anywhere I can find these new additions?
What would you suggest I do with such a parameter?



BTW - 
There is a problem with the search mechanism of the message list.
It is ordered from last to first, so when getting 50 search results, it
gives the last 13 results (not first), so when clicking the arrow to get 
the next 13 results, it returns to the full list.
If it worked properly, maybe I wouldn't need to ask my question.

Received on Friday, 14 May 1999 08:15:12 UTC