RE: terminology question

> From: Jacob Schroeder []
> Subject: terminology question

> I'm just trying to understand the terms
>   "representation" and "variant".
> After reading the spec for a while I suspect that
> every possible entity from a given resource is a
> "variant" and if content negotiation comes into play
> it is termed "representation" as well.

I would rephrase that to make one distinction - every possible entity
returned for a resource is a variant of that resource.  Any particular
entity returned for a particular request is a representation of that

> If I have a document that changes only over time (eg CGI output), then
> are the different entities termed as different "variants"
> of the same resource as well?

Only in some theoretical sense, I guess.

Is there some particular rule that seems ambiguous for your case that hinges
on the definition of these terms?

Received on Tuesday, 6 April 1999 07:37:49 UTC