- From: Nottingham, Mark (Australia) <mark_nottingham@exchange.au.ml.com>
- Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 11:18:47 +1100
- To: http-wg@hplb.hpl.hp.com
Now available in Word, PDF and HTML. Have already incorporated some suggestions (thanks), now at v 0.6. http://www.pobox.com/~mnot/cache_docs/ If you're interested in helping/discussing this, please send me an e-mail here or at <mnot@pobox.com> as it probably isn't within the WG's best interest for me to keep on posting here. Thanks. [ I found it the tiniest bit ironic that so many of the WG wrote to ask for HTML or PDF versions of the document, when the HTTP is not available from w3 as the same. Perhaps someone could address this? ] > -----Original Message----- This isn't precisely on-topic, but is IMHO of interest to the group. Apologies if it is inappropriate. I've created a document that explains aspects of caching; what it is, why it is good, and how to go about it (with server-specific instructions). The target audience of web designers, webmasters and the like - anyone who creates content on the Web. I'd very much like to get feedback from the group as a first check to the accuracy, usefulness and scope of the document. After that, it will be presented to users to get feedback on its usability, readability, etc., and then (hopefully) be distributed to the widest possible audience. It most likely won't be distributed through traditional RFC channels, as IMHO it won't get read by the right people there. It can be found at http://www.pobox.com/~mnot/cache_docs/ [ a MS Word document; if this is a problem, please contact me for another form ] PLEASE note that this is a preliminary draft, and is not intended for distribution. It is imprecise, and almost certainly contains errors. Please do not give it to anyone who can not contribute, as outlined above. I am open to suggestions both about content, intent and ways to facilitate distribution of the document, along with most anything else. Thanks,
Received on Tuesday, 3 November 1998 16:22:24 UTC