- From: Scott Lawrence <lawrence@agranat.com>
- Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 13:54:23 -0500
- To: Paul Leach <paulle@microsoft.com>
- Cc: "HTTP-WG@cuckoo.hpl.hp.com" <http-wg@cuckoo.hpl.hp.com>, "'Ronald.Tschalaer@psi.ch'" <Ronald.Tschalaer@psi.ch>
>>>>> "PL" == Paul Leach <paulle@MICROSOFT.com> writes: >> From: Ronald.Tschalaer@psi.ch[SMTP:Ronald.Tschalaer@psi.ch] >> Also, sending the Authorization header unnecessarily is likely to reduce >> the cachability of many pages, thereby further increasing the traffic >> (how many responses currently contain the cache-control directive s-maxage >> or public? How quickly will this change?). PL> It is worth adding a note that origin servers that receive requests with PL> Authorization headers when authorization is not needed SHOULD send back PL> explicit cache-control directives to allow the page to be cached. Our server always sends a cache-control header to any 1.1 request so that it is explicit. The really interesting question (from our perspective) is 'how soon will the proxies and clients use it'? -- Scott Lawrence EmWeb Embedded Server <lawrence@agranat.com> Agranat Systems, Inc. Engineering http://www.agranat.com/
Received on Sunday, 29 March 1998 11:22:10 UTC