Re: HTTP features w/ low 'implemented' and 'tested'

> >Concerning the low implemented list:
> >
> >    H 10.1.2 101 Switching Protocols
> >    H 14.42  Upgrade
> >
> >I'm not sure what there is to implement here... If any server does
> >implement these, then what do they accept in the Upgrade header?

> Surely we can find two different people to try to implement
> Upgrade and Switching Protocols and test their implementations
> against each other.
> If I write a client that attempts: 
>  Upgrade: HTCPCP/0.0104
> can we get someone to create a server that returns 101 Switching Protocols
> instead of 419?

I'll volunteer a client implementation if a server implementor tells me
what to send.



Received on Sunday, 29 March 1998 05:59:43 UTC