Re: The last LAST CALL: HTTP/1.1, Authentication, State

On Fri, 13 Mar 1998, Larry Masinter wrote:
> We have reached the point in the HTTP Working Group where we can make
> the last "LAST CALL" on working group documents:
> <draft-ietf-http-authentication-01.txt>, March 13, 1998, HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication
> In order to actually move these forward as DRAFT STANDARD, we have to
> document at least two interoperable implementations of each feature. We
> are working on completing that task in the next few weeks.
> The working group LAST CALL on these documents will end on Friday, March
> 27, 1998; barring any major issues arising, we will then forward them to
> the IESG for consideration.

Just a comment from the sidelines: there have been significant changes
in the authentication draft, and yet a LAST CALL is issued only hours
after it is issued?

Are any servers going to implement the new stuff by next week? Otherwise
I won't bother hurrying on my side.



Received on Thursday, 19 March 1998 15:12:52 UTC