Re: Last-Modified in chunked footer

First you argue that we cannot hurt the clients to benefit the servers.
Now you claim we must benefit the clients at the cost of the servers.
You cannot have it both ways.

As John Franks says, the choice is NO l-m or l-m at the end.
If you do not want to see it in the footer, you can ignore it and it
will be as if it was not sent.
I have to calculate l-m correctly or not send it or my customers
will complain about the page not being refreshed on reload after a
change in a component document.

I think that relaxing the restriction will benefit everyone.

** Reply to note from Klaus Weide <> Wed, 3 Sep 1997 16:06:07 -0500 (CDT)
> I believe the MUST should stay as it is, for the benefit of clients, 
> except for specific headers as it is now.  I am not arguing against
> adding any specific headers (like the ones proposed) to the list of 
> those allowed in footers, just against changing the default rule.
>     Klaus

Richard L. Gray
chocolate - the One True food group

Received on Wednesday, 3 September 1997 14:28:44 UTC