Re: Any objections to "Accept-encoding: gzip, *;q=0"?

>>>>> "JM" == Jeffrey Mogul <> writes:


JM> has been assigned to myself and Henrik for resolution.  We're pretty
JM> close to solving most of it, except for a seemingly minor concern:
JM> How does a client say "don't send me the 'identity' encoding"?

  I don't think this is a serious enough concern to merit doing
  anything at all.  If this is not possible that's just fine.

  That having been said, the q-value solution would seem the best to
  me.  I prefer not to use '*' for this, so my choice from your
  alternatives would be:

JM>   (c)	Accept-Encoding: gzip, compress, identity;q=0.0

  Our server doesn't currently do anything with Accept-Encoding (our
  customers generally don't have the storage to devote to storing
  multiple encodings, and don't want the CPU spending time creating
  them) so we have no backward compatibility issue.

Scott Lawrence           EmWeb Embedded Server       <>
Agranat Systems, Inc.        Engineering  

Received on Tuesday, 22 July 1997 05:57:15 UTC