Re: GET and referer security considerations

In a previous episode David W. Morris said...

:: On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Andrew Daviel wrote:
:: > 
:: > I think the convention is to use POST for submitting information and GET
:: > for queries (like search engines). POST results may not be cached; so

:: This is another example of a broken relationship between the history
:: list and caching. I don't know if your example is a POST but there is
:: a possiblity that what you are seeing from the server has an 
:: exception HTTP status (not 200, etc.) which the browsers refuse
:: to leave alone in the history list but insist in resubmitting each
:: time.

David is correct here of course.. but this does bring the
safe-post/get-w-body/safe-uahint questions back to the table.

what's the status of draft-ietf-http-uahint-00.txt with respect to


Received on Thursday, 3 July 1997 06:22:08 UTC