

How does HTTP 1.1 behave when a user decides to cancel
loading a page while some elements of the page (e.g., images)
are still in transit? Does it close the connection, or is
there another mechanism to cancel the transmission of data
which has been submitted to the transport layer without 
closing the connection?

A typical example is following a link from a page some elements
of which are still in transit. In HTTP 1.0 the connection is 
closed and a new connection is established for each element
of the new page. How does HTTP 1.1 handle this case?

The reason I'm asking this question is that we have developed
a transport protocol here at University of Delaware called
TRUMP which uses the ADN-Cancel (Application Data Naming)
feature to cancel transmission of data which has been submitted
to the transport layer but not yet transmitted. We would like
to know if we can take advantage of this feature in HTTP 1.1.


            |  Sami Iren                            |
    ________|  CIS Graduate, University of Delaware |_______
    \       |  EMAIL:             |      /
     \      |  WWW  :|     /
     /      |_______________________________________|     \
    /__________)                                 (_________\ 

Received on Monday, 9 June 1997 08:31:43 UTC