Re: HTTP/1.1 -- who disconnects the session?

On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, Josh Cohen wrote:

> I beleive the connection is dropped after the client's
> final request.  
> The final request is indicated by passing 
> the connection: close header with its final request..
> (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. )

Last I checked, either side closes the connection when it chooses. 
Choice from a server perspective is expected to relate to available 
resources.  Choice on the client would be expected to relate to when the
client heuristically decides a connection isn't needed.

Either side can use the connection close req/resp to gracefully terminate
the connection. A decision that this point has arrived is still necessary.

There was a recent paper reporting on some performance studies made by the
folks at W3C. There has also been a recent suggestion regarding close wait
issues that suggested a preference for which side should close the
connection first.  Sorry, but I forget, check the archives for this list.

Dave Morris

Received on Thursday, 5 June 1997 21:52:27 UTC