Re: Indexing non-HTML objects

Perhaps I misread your post, and so I'm just stating the obvious, but the
existence of a LINK tag in HTML really has little to with the existence of
a LINK method in HTTP. Of course, it would be desirable that the server be
aware of HTML LINKs, so it could process link data without having to
parse the file. But otherwise, links at the HTTP level are quite
independent of HTML. 

Of course, as someone else pointed out, the relrev draft is long expired.
If we're going to start using LINK in HTTP (for indexing or for other
purposes) it might be necessary to resurrect it.

Gregory Woodhouse    /
If you're going to reinvent the wheel, at least try to come
up with a better one.

Received on Saturday, 3 May 1997 13:08:23 UTC