Re: State management

David W. Morris wrote:
> I don't think a new WG is needed with all the salient overhead ... but we
> do need to take the task 'offline' to a reconsituted and more open
> subgroup. What I think we primarily need is is an offer to host the
> mail list serving the group along with a list archive. (The largely
> dormant mail list used by the original state managment sub-group is
> actually run as a sendmail alias with heavy duty manual effort required
> as a result to add to the list.  No echo back to submitter, no archive,
> etc.)

I'm setting up a mailing list and will send a message to http-wg when
it's available (within a day or two).

Dave Kristol

Received on Tuesday, 29 April 1997 12:20:00 UTC