Re: Digest Authentication, Netscape, and Microsoft

>>>>> "AL" == Ari Luotonen <> writes:

AL> SSL does allow a null-cipher -- in Netscape Servers it's enabled via
AL> choice "No encryption, only MD5 message authentication".  This
AL> provides certificate based authentication and message integrity on
AL> HTTP data, but the data is not encrypted, so there's minimal overhead.

  It is not nearly as minimal as 2069 - in order use even a null
  cipher, I must be able to process a certificate.  For a good many
  systems, this is too costly (in code to do public key certificate
  handling, and licensing of that technology) and not justified by the
  product requirements.  I don't want to do RSA code in an ethernet
  repeater or a web coffeepot (and only one of those is a frivolous

  Certificate based security is wonderfull, and I fully support its
  wide use in the Internet and incorporation into all sorts of
  standards, but it is _not_ a replacement for simpler schemes which
  have different requirements.

Scott Lawrence           EmWeb Embedded Server       <>
Agranat Systems, Inc.        Engineering  

Received on Thursday, 17 April 1997 09:05:02 UTC