RE: 1xx Clarification

That was the assumption.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Roy T. Fielding [SMTP:fielding@kiwi.ICS.UCI.EDU]
> Sent:	Sunday, April 13, 1997 6:46 PM
> To:	Yaron Goland
> Cc:
> Subject:	Re: 1xx Clarification 
> >Section 8.2 of RFC 2068 has the following requirement:
> >
> >o  An HTTP/1.1 (or later) client MUST be prepared to accept a 100
> >   (Continue) status followed by a regular response.
> >
> >I have gone around asking people if the following behavior is legal:
> >
> >User Establishes Connection
> >
> >Server sends first 1xx Response
> >
> >User sends GET
> Just a clarification: this would be assuming that the server knows
> that the client supports HTTP/1.1 before it makes the first request
> (as would be the case for some non-typical-web services, which is what
> I think Yaron is envisioning).
> .....Roy

Received on Monday, 14 April 1997 22:53:42 UTC