Re: Ignore proxy

> A very busy proxy is in a state resembling deadlock.  It should not
> accept any new TCP connections, because it will not be able to serve
> them anyway.  It might want to remember the request and fetch it later
> from the origin server.  It should be able to communicate to the
> client to leave it alone.
If the proxy did as you say, ie dont accept new TCP connections,
it will have no way of knowing what the request was going to be.
To determine that, and cache it for later, it would have to accept
the connection and at least read the headers.  If the proxy is
already overloaded, this doesnt help it any.

As far as the 'deadlock' wording, i dont agree.  The proxy will be
running fine, ie not in a deadlock.  Under intense load, the proxy
will not get around to handling or even accepting the clients' request
before the client times out. (Our experience )

Josh Cohen				        Netscape Communications Corp.
Netscape Fire Department	     	       "Mighty Morphin' Proxy
Server Engineering             

Received on Wednesday, 2 April 1997 04:22:04 UTC