Apache LogFormat - addition of %v virtual server ID

Upgrading our server from httpd to Apache, I needed the %v addition
mentioned in mod_log_config.c, and added this to apache.conf.

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t %v \"%r\" %s %b"

 * The way this is supposed to work with virtual hosts is as follows:
 * a virtual host can have its own LogFormat, or its own TransferLog.
 * If it doesn't have its own LogFormat, it inherits from the main
 * server.  If it doesn't have its own TransferLog, it writes to the
 * same descriptor (meaning the same process for "| ...").
 * That means that you can do things like:
 * <VirtualHost hosta.com>
 * LogFormat "hosta ..."
 * ...
 * </VirtualHost>
 * <VirtualHost hosta.com>
 * LogFormat "hostb ..."
 * ...
 * </VirtualHost>
 * ... to have different virtual servers write into the same log file,
 * but have some indication which host they came from, though a %v
 * directive may well be a better way to handle this.
 * --- rst

So, I hacked it in.

Here is the patch :-

*** apache_1.0.0/src/mod_log_config.c   Fri Mar  1 07:42:55 1996
--- apache_1.0.3/src/mod_log_config.c   Wed Mar 27 19:50:49 1996
*** 159,164 ****
--- 159,169 ----
  char *constant_item (request_rec *dummy, char *stuff) { return stuff; }
+ /* added for %v functionality - andyr@wizzy.com */
+ char *log_server_hostname (request_rec *r, char *a)
+ { return r->server->server_hostname; }
  char *log_remote_host (request_rec *r, char *a)
  { return r->connection->remote_name; }
*** 223,228 ****
--- 228,234 ----
      { 'l', log_remote_logname, 0 },
      { 'u', log_remote_user, 0 },
      { 't', log_request_time, 0 },
+     { 'v', log_server_hostname, 0 },  /* added - andyr@wizzy.com */
      { 'r', log_request_line, 1 },
      { 's', log_status, 1 },
      { 'b', log_bytes_sent, 0 },

Cheers,     Andy!

-- Andy Rabagliati . andyr@wizzy.com
-- http://altavista.digital.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=q&q=Rabagliati

Received on Wednesday, 27 March 1996 19:39:26 UTC