- From: <djoko@pusdata.dprin.go.id>
- Date: 19 Mar 1996 00:30:46 +0700
- To: HTTP-WG%cuckoo.hpl.hp.com@hplb.hpl.hp.com
Hi, My name is Djoko Kris Sundoro from Indonesia. I'm collage student at STMIK Gunadarma Jakarta Indonesia. I need more information about hypertext and Internet. I need that information because I want to learn to write a book about Hypertext. The Book title is "Mengapa Hypertext begitu di gandrungi pada Internet" or in English language is " Why the Hyperext its very populer in Internet user ". And I hope you can give more information about : 1. What it's Internet 2. What it's HTTP and Hypertext I think for this time I just give you two question and I hope you will be answer for the question. I was really sorry if i make mistake in my English Languge. Thanks before. Best Regards djoko@pusdata.dprin.go.id ... Blue Wave - World Tour - 1996 ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30
Received on Monday, 18 March 1996 20:24:44 UTC