Three working drafts related to demographics work.

As some of you will know the W3C recently held a workshop on 
Demographics of the Internet. At this meeting a number of
concerns were raised as to how the Web can be made a viable
medium for content providers. Many of the participants were
interested in advertising revenue.

I have written three drafts which propose an implementation
of some of the ideas arising from the meeting. These are:

	An improved format for logfile data.

	A mechanism allowing proxies to offer to record cached hits 
	on behalf of the server for later retrieval. A mechanism for
	notifying proxies of changes to original documents is also 

	A mechanism for providing session identification information.
	While this specification overlaps to some extent with
	Netscape Cookies the implementation is simpler for the 
 	client and is more scalable since clients are not required
	to maintain records on behalf of every server. This mechanism
	may be considered complimentaty to cookies since the 300
	cookie limit is less likely to become a problem if servers
	do not need to use cookies simply to support demographics 

Comments appreciated :-)


Demographics W/S

Phill Hallam-Baker

Received on Wednesday, 21 February 1996 16:23:32 UTC