Quality factors (http draft 8th March)

Somewhat of a detail, this, but anyway:
In section 5.4.1 Accept, you say:
float  = <  ANSI-C floating point text representation,
            where (0.0 < float < 1.0) >
What, precisely, do you mean by this? You don't give a reference, so I could
imagine the following:
 1. The representation of a floating-point number (float, double or
    long double) as a token in a conforming ANSI C program, or
 2. the representation of a floating-point number produced by the ANSI printf
    routine - but which format? %g, %e, %f??
 3. the representation of a floating-point number accepted by an ANSI scanf

I even wonder whether 'floating point text representation' means the text
representation of a floating-point number, or the floating-point (text)
representation of (any) number.

In particular, does it allow:

And, perhaps more seriously, it currently forbids q=0. and q=1.

 David Robinson. (drtr1@cam.ac.uk)

Received on Wednesday, 22 March 1995 09:28:14 UTC