Re: original host name in request/header

At 2:22 PM 2/12/95, Larry Masinter wrote:
>While we can imagine changing HTTP's GET to include the full URL or to
>ask browsers to include the full URL in the header, fixing it in HTTP
>at this point will not have the desired effect of allowing service
>providers to avoid allocating two IP addresses to the same host.

I think this could be made to work, by a combination of client and server

If we assume an intermediate state where half the clients support a full
URL in the request, and others only do a partial, then a upgraded server
receiving a full URL knows what to return, for a partial URL it puts up a
single page advertising the different top level URLs it knows about, and -
as with the migration strategy for form support - URLs of up-to-date

- Mitra

Internet Consulting                                       (415)488-0944
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Received on Sunday, 12 February 1995 15:47:22 UTC