- From: Gavin Nicol <gtn@ebt.com>
- Date: Thu, 18 May 1995 23:41:39 -0400
- To: cshotton@biap.com
- Cc: luotonen@netscape.com, brian@organic.com, dwm@shell.portal.com, john@math.nwu.edu, luotonen@netscape.com, http-wg%cuckoo.hpl.hp.com@hplb.hpl.hp.com
>We're talking about potentially HUGE documents, which is the very >reason why byteranges make sense with them. So caching them, and >possibly reconstructing them from pieces, is a big win, and not doing >that would be really silly. Please define a document in the sense used above. DynaWeb can deal with very very large documents (hundreds of megabytes even), and does not use byte ranges at all, but rather uses the structure of the data to decide which bits to send. It is most unlikely that anyone, or anything, could specify an arbitrary byte range from an HTML document, and end up with something legal (ie. displayable by itself).
Received on Thursday, 18 May 1995 20:40:08 UTC