Re: Proposed resolution for the STATUS100 issue

Koen Holtman writes:

    I *never* want proxies to take the initiative in retrying an
    idempotent operation.  It would be OK to dilute the MUST to a SHOULD
    for user agents, but not for proxies.  This would make the web
    unsafe for ordering pizzas.
I've rewritten the subsection to make it clear that it applies
to user-agent clients, not to proxies:

   8.2.3 Automatic retrying of requests

   If a user agent sees the transport connection close before it
   receives a final response to its request, if the request method is
   idempotent (see section 9.1.2), the user agent SHOULD retry the
   request without user interaction.  If the request method is not
   idempotent, the user agent SHOULD NOT retry the request without user
   confirmation.  (Confirmation by user-agent software with semantic
   understanding of the application MAY substitute for user


Received on Friday, 18 July 1997 14:56:18 UTC