Re: 13.1.2 Warnings

>Agree with Ben.  I think it's undesirable if I get a Warning header
>when there it's not suppose to be there.

I might agree with you that it's undesirable.  But if I was Jeff Mogul I'd
retort lengthily how this insures that users always get the right document.
Then if I was Roy Fielding I'd jump on Jeff for destroying the entire New
Zealand network and making his aunt pay huge network charges.

>Say I hav document X, last-modified at Y.  The document is cached in
>case it was guaranteed to be up-to-date.

This analysis is completely correct.  Caches will misbehave on the side of
document accuracy, to a fault.

But given that I've never seen a browser that handles caching/history
buffers the way I'd like (which changes on the situation), I'm not going to
lose sleep over a 1.0 cache that erroneously/needlessly re-requests
documents.  But that's just me.

Larry, it would seem a slight rewording of the warning Note: would be
appropriate given the wording of the definition of semantic transparancy.

Daniel DuBois
I travel, I code, I'm a Traveling Coderman

Received on Thursday, 17 October 1996 13:48:57 UTC