Re: Summary of opinions on Negotiate header

Larry Masinter:
>  [Koen:]
>> If you can think of something shorter than `Negotiate: tcn', please
>> let me know.
>How about including "tcn" (no /) in the Accept header?

My original plan was to include something like that in the Accept
header, but the plan failed.  Early this year, I extended the 1.1
Accept header syntax to allow such non-slash keywords, but a last
minute edit to 1.1 removed this possibility again.

Putting "tcn" in the Accept header is now illegal according to the
Accept header syntax.  Putting in something like "neg/tcn" is legal,
but "neg/tcn" looks ugly and reeks of namespace pollution.  I would
not blame anyone for shouting at us if we introduce "neg/tcn".  So I
defined a separate header.

>It would also shorten the 'Vary:' response header.

True.  On the other hand, saying `Vary: Accept, Accept-Language' in
stead of `Vary: Negotiate, Accept-Language' will greatly reduce the
efficiency of Vary header based caching.


Received on Wednesday, 25 September 1996 13:47:35 UTC