Issue: interoperability between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 (was: Via Header Field)

Roy T. Fielding:
>Koen asked:
>>    Upgraded-From: HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1
>> With this header, my detectability requirements are met.  Roy, is this
>> header acceptable to you?
>Jeff and I talked about this concept during the LA IETF.  I think that
>it belongs in the Forwarded header.  It was also pointed out (by JimG)
>that the Forwarded header as currently defined has too many unnecessary
>bytes, so we thought about coming up with a more compact encoding.
>How about this as a complete replacement for the current Forwarded?
>10.xx  Via


This looks like a great improvement to me.  The Via header meets my
detectability requirements.  Roy, I will propose some minor edits to
your header text in private e-mail, these edits will not change the
header semantics.

The introduction of Via changes the status of the issue 'Section 3.1:
interoperability between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1' on the issues list.

Old text:

  KH: Section 3.1: interoperability between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1.

  Do version handling rules for servers and proxies need to be changed?

  Review the whole spec for interoperability problems.

New text:

  KH: Section 3.1: interoperability between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1. 

  Do version handling rules for servers and proxies need to be changed?

  Status: No, the Via header will make version upgrades and downgrades
  by proxies detectable to parties that need to know.

  Review the whole spec for interoperability problems.

  Status: to be done by the whole http-wg in April.

[Note to Jim Gettys: In the last version of the issues list I have,
the above old text appears twice.  Please delete the first instance.]


Received on Sunday, 24 March 1996 03:03:52 UTC