Re: Footers and Chunked

The next HTTP train to leave the station is not the last train.
However, it became clear that there is increasing pressure from IETF
that we produce a revised version of HTTP in the next few months that
reduces pressure on Internet backbone and service providers by
supporting persistent connections, caching, and host identification,
and that everything else is lower priority.

On the other hand, we're not going to scuttle everything else
intentionally, it's just a matter of getting all the issues worked

I'm not sure what prompted you to generate such an impassioned plea:
this is a short-term effort to get something short-term out; we're
going to immediately begin on the next version (you know, 1.2) as soon
as we finish this one.

Received on Saturday, 9 March 1996 01:05:58 UTC