Re: Round 3: moving HTTP 1.0 to informational

I'm sorry, Gavin and Francois, but you are confused:

We are defining a document that describes current practice of HTTP.
This document is not an Internet Standard or on standards track, it is
an Informational RFC intended as a guideline for interoperability.

As a guideline to interoperability, telling people what they need to
do to interoperate with current clients and current servers, any
assertions that HTTP makes a special exception to what is currently
not even explicitly stated would be misleading.

Please please, this is not a "stake in the ground", it is not a place
to "plant a flag" to "hold the fort" to "capture the island" to
"strike a blow for the future" or "rally the troups" or whatever else
you want to do. Unless you can point out some significant practice of
HTTP/1.0 that differs from the wording that Roy last proposed on this
subject, I think it should stand.

Received on Monday, 12 February 1996 12:58:07 UTC