FWD: I-D ACTION:draft-toney-purdet-00.txt


A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts

	Title		: PURDET  Reliable Transport Extensions on UDP
	Author(s)	: K. Toney
	Filename	: draft-toney-purdet-00.txt
	Pages		: 16
	Date		: 01-Mar-99

   Originally this draft started out as 'Reliable Extensions To UDP'.
   Instead of calling it 'Reliable Extensions To UDP', it was decided
   to use an anagram, PURDET, to represent what this draft was about.

   This PURDET specification defines a very lightweight protocol
   with minimal transport functions necessary to provide reliability
   and flow control over non-reliable UDP transport.  It is intended
   to be very easy to implement, to have a small footprint on the
   OS to allow high fan-out, and support simple control of the

   PURDET supports sequencing, flow control, multiplexing/protocol
   identification (using an optional field), error retransmission,
   and link loss detection.

   PURDET is a work in progress presented for comment.  The author
   hopes this represents positive progress towards a reliability
   approach appropriate to the needs of real time control and similar

Received on Tuesday, 2 March 1999 20:04:42 UTC