More lessons from DAV

At WWW7 last year, Rohit, Henrik and I organized a workshop on the future of
HTTP, and presentations and position papers from the workshop can be found

Since it is closely related to Yaron's "lessons from DAV" post that was
forwarded by Larry, I want to point out a position paper I wrote for this
workshop titled, "Lessons from WebDAV for the Next Generation Web
Infrastructure".  It covers the topics of parameter marshalling,
multi-resource operations, operations on resource hierarchies, status
reporting, and built-in lock support, and was written to try and separate
out the "take-home" lessons from WebDAV which would be of interest to future
protocol authors, specifically for HTTP-NG.

The position paper is available at:

- Jim

Received on Wednesday, 6 January 1999 13:32:30 UTC