- From: Jim Gettys <jg@pa.dec.com>
- Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 06:03:49 -0700
- To: ietf-http-ng-goals@w3.org
This is a test. This is only a test (to see what addresses bounce). Around Monday, after the bounces have settled down, I'll send out minutes of the Munich meeting. (My apologies; personal and professional matters have kept me too busy to take care of this until now). As best as two people could decipher everyone's scrawl from the signup sheet, here is the initial subscription list. If you recognise that any addresses are in error, please let me know (obviously your address is correct, or you'd not be recieveing this message). For now, this list can be posted from anywhere; if spam becomes an issue, we'll revisit this. - Jim Gettys Mailing Lists Audit --- ietf-http-ng-goals@w3.org --- Maintainer : jg@w3.org HTML archives : yes (DEISS) Months per period : Archive URL : http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-http-ng-goals Last mail archived : Could not open ArchiveStatus/catalog Last mail arrived : Could not open archive/latest WARNING: No mpperiod file found! News server archives : no ------------------------ foreign_submit RC_CUSTOM --- 55 subscribers --- albadine@transpae.atlas.fr alexhop@microsoft.com andrew@omg.org cvl@ngtp.pages.de cyd@rci.rutgers.edu djz@corp.webtv.net ejw@ics.uci.edu freier@netscape.com frystyk@w3.org gerhard.bogler@oen.siemens.de gk@acm.org glbergr@missi.ncsc.mil hardie@nasa.gov harrold.t.alvestrand@uninett.no henrysa@microsoft.com hiroy@sun.co.jp hoschka@w3.org jari.arkko@lmf.ericsson.se jerry.chu@eng.sun.com jg@w3.org josh@netscape.com klensin+httpng@alpha1.reston.mci.net koen@win.tue.nl krol@uiuc.edu lfarrell@cissc.canon.com luigi.lanceri@cnet.francetelecom.fr manros@cp10.es.xerox.com masinter@parc.xerox.com matti.turunen@nmp.nokia.com mau@beatles.cselt.it meadh@microsoft.com mhn@dla.ucnp.edu michiel.fokke@inet.unisource.nl mohammad.khaleed@ellemtel.se moore@cs.utk.edu msridhar@sitaranetworks.com n-satoh@ccs.mt.nec.co.jp nb@perl.bb.co.uk pwarren@gte.com raphael.quinet@eed.ericsson.se rbinder@cnri.reston.va.us rturner@sharplabs.com s.wright@fujitsu-tue.com sar@epilouge.com schoenfr@gaevtnev.de schoeuw@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de sepideh@internic.net spencer_dawkins@nortel.com szilles@adobe.com tomk@nwnot.net valeski@netscape.com vinodv@microsoft.com werner@axone.ch yarong@microsoft.com yonemoto@usl.mci.co.jp
Received on Thursday, 25 September 1997 09:10:00 UTC