- From: Scott Lawrence <lawrence@agranat.com>
- Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 16:29:57 -0500 (EST)
- To: ietf-http-ext@w3.org
- Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.971215162748.30931A-200000@alice.agranat.com>
This is mostly just a test of posting to the list, but it also gets this into the archive...
INTERNET-DRAFT S. Lawrence draft-ietf-httpext-guidelines Agranat Systems, Inc. 1 April 1990 Guidelines for Extentions to HTTP Status of this Memo This document is intended to become and Internet-Draft, at which time this entire section will be replaced by the proper boilerplate text. The revision you are looking at is: $Id: draft-ietf-httpext-guidelines.ms,v 1.2 1997/12/15 21:26:48 lawrence Exp $ This is a work in progress; many sections below are empty and may remain so until someone volunteers to produce a first draft for them. The editor is actively soliciting volunteers. Discussion of this document and related work is on the 'ietf-http-ext@w3.org' mailing list; pointers are available at: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/ietf-ext-wg/ Abstract The widespread use and apparently simple structure of HTTP [HTTP10][HTTP11] have led to its adoption as a base for the development of other protocols. Some of these other protocols have chosen to be encapsulated entirely within HTTP, others have chosen to extend HTTP in various ways, and some have used some combination of these approaches. In the course of the definition of HTTP/1.1 [HTTP11], much has been learned about the backward compatibility and interoperability implications of various mechanisms that might be chosen for extending HTTP; the purpose of this memo is to capture some of that knowlege and make it available to the protocol development community. 1. Use of HTTP Mechanisms for Extentions 1.1 Response Version 1.2 Response Status Codes 1.3 New Header Fields 1.3.1 New Header Values Lawrence [Page 1] INTERNET-DRAFT Guidelines for Extentions to HTTP 11 December 1997 1.4 Use of the POST Method 1.5 New Transfer Encodings Must be either self-terminating or must add a transfer length indication somewhere (Content-Length doesn't do this). 2. Existing HTTP Extention Features 2.1 Usage of the Upgrade mechanism 3. Transport Related Extensions 3.1 Transport Requirements of HTTP 3.2 Issues for Transactional HTTP 3.3 Issues for Use of HTTP over Datagram Protocols 3.3.1 Issues for Use of a Transaction Identifier. 4. HTTP Management 4.1 Content Issues Advice for content authors to ensure adequate description of content to firewall administrators such as mime-type declarations 4.2 Operational Issues Dealing with multiple chained proxies and cache architectures is currently troublesome areas such as authentication and cache control. 4.3 Cache Control Advice for proper usage of cacheability headers 5. Security Considerations 6. IANA Considerations Instructions and proceedures for any IANA or other registry referenced here; pointer to 'Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs' [IANAreg]. . 7. References Lawrence [Page 2] INTERNET-DRAFT Guidelines for Extentions to HTTP 11 December 1997 7. Author's Address Scott Lawrence Agranat Systems, Inc. 1345 Main St. Waltham, MA 02154 Phone: (781) 893-7868 EMail: lawrence@agranat.com Lawrence [Page 3]
Received on Monday, 15 December 1997 16:30:17 UTC