Re: URI resolution & safety

> But its also not enforceable by us. There was a joint IETF/W3C group
> that looked at many of the issues and problems with URIs and one
> of the recommendations we made was that registration of schemes neede
> to be made much easier for the simple reason that when someone needs
> one they 'just make one'. If you want to see the consequences take a look
> at Dan Connolly's list of currently extant but unregistered schemes:

I agree with that recommendation, but only when the scheme is already in
common use.  Is that the case for TFTP?

> None of these schemes have any review process, documentation, or
> interoperability requirements. IMHO, the best thing we can do is provide
> them a registration process that at least requires them to document their
> gross lack of security considerations. Assertions that we shouldn't
> register them because their resolution process is 'unsafe' (can you
> define that?)

Sure.  Resolution must be free from side effects.

> are really useless because there is no real, immediate
> consequence to _not_ being registered. In other words, if you do or don't
> register 'tftp:' won't really matter, everyone will still use it
> regardless of whether or not its registered.

With that, I think we've come full circle back to John's concern (which
I share) about doing it just because we can.

Mark Baker, Chief Science Officer, Planetfred, Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

Received on Sunday, 25 November 2001 11:01:16 UTC