publishing draft-mealling-iana-xmlns-registry-03.txt

Hi guys,
  I'm going to be requesting that draft-mealling-iana-xmlns-registry-03.txt
be published as BCP after SLC. The topic of an XML registry came up in 
several WG chair meetings and I wanted to make sure everyone here knew it 
was coming so they could review it before I sent in the request.
  Basically it sets up an IANA registry of XML 'stuff' (namespaces, schema, 
RDF Schema, etc). It also assigns a URN to them of the form:

  Feel free to corner me in SLC if you have any questions/comments...


Michael Mealling	|      Vote Libertarian!       | urn:pin:1      |                              |

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2001 10:50:54 UTC