- From: Mark Nottingham <mnot@akamai.com>
- Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 06:40:36 -0700
- To: discuss@apps.ietf.org
The W3C XML Protocol Working Group is attempting to address perceived and reported problems with the "SOAPAction" mechanism in the HTTP binding (see SOAP 1.1 Section 6.1.1 [1]). As part of this process, the WG wishes to solicit comments and guidence on two proposals it has generated, as below. Comments must go to xmlp-comments@w3.org by 2001-06-18, and should address the proposals as they sit, and may optionally make general comments on resolution of issues with SOAPAction. Those representing the positions of particular groups or organisations are requested to clearly identify themselves as such. The WG encourages additional discussion on the xml-dist-app@w3.org mailing list. Neither of the following options precludes equivalent functionality elsewhere. Proposal A: Use of SOAPAction is discouraged. SOAPAction is an optional part of XMLP, supported but not required. Services MAY require SOAPAction and any software wishing to access those services MUST be able to send it. Proposal B: Use of SOAPAction is deprecated. Senders SHOULD NOT send SOAPAction. Receivers MUST NOT accept or reject messages on the basis of the presense, absence, or value of the SOAPAction header. Regards, Mark Nottingham for the W3C XML Protocol Working Group [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/#_Toc478383528 -- Mark Nottingham, Research Scientist Akamai Technologies (San Mateo, CA USA)
Received on Thursday, 7 June 2001 09:45:12 UTC