Re: Wg's which have not made progress lately

At 10.11 -0600 01-01-18, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
>I understand that you may hesitate to name-and-shame in public,
>but a list of the WGs you consider to be stuck would be interesting.

I don't want to do this now, but first talk with Ned (which is 
happily unaware of me wanting to do this _NOW_), so we have a 
coherent picture of the state we belive the wg's are in.

My mail might have been possible to read in a more negative way than 
what was intended. The main point was that people interested in a 
topic should NOT be afraid of having a wg closed, because the work 
can continue anyway -- especially if the number of people is small. 
The mailing list can continue to exist, the RFC's can still be 
produced etc.

The point was that I feel that we should try to use the IETF 
resources for the discussions which do need the really wide review 
the IETF can provide in a wg, and not only through a last call.

And, I do have the names of wg's which WANT to close but are not able 
to do that because I personally have their last documents on my 
plate. I am cleaning up that in parallell.

Ned is working with a new apps-area web-page, and more status reports 
will be given, and my goal is that WE in the apps area should have a 
common view on:

  - What we are working on in general
  - What we need to concentrate on
  - What is out of scope

I hope we together can communicate more in all directions on status 
etc, and that hopefully will give people the extra energy which is 
needed to push I-D's over the last doorstep to become RFC's 
(including myself, I am not blaming anyone!!)

That said, I expect that Ned and I can start having a list of wg's 
and documents shortly -- but the expectation is NOT that the 
information there should be a surprise for anyone, and especially not 
the wg (chair).

I have already had email exchange with one chair in one wg today, and 
just exchanging those two messages made me understand more what is 
actually going on.

So easy, and I probably do not do it often enough.


Patrik Fältström <>       Internet Engineering Task Force
Area Director, Applications Area         
Phone: (Stockholm) +46-8-4494212            (San Jose) +1-408-525-0940
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Received on Thursday, 18 January 2001 11:50:36 UTC