Re: No apologies if you receive this multiple times (was CFP: IEEE IC3N'2000)

just for grins, see whether you get this message or the "fake" one 
that I just sent to you with the same message-id.
(this is the real message)


> Carnegie Mellon's legacy e-mail system has been eliminating duplicates
> based on message-id alone (well, with recepient envelope address) for
> many years (circa 1985?), and our new system, the Cyrus IMAP server,
> also does it.  We never get any user complaints except when it doesn't
> work.
> The denial-of-service attack is interesting, and text should probably
> be added to the relevant document that message-ids should be
> reasonably unpredictable if it's not there already.
> Larry

Received on Tuesday, 2 May 2000 14:36:12 UTC