- From: Dan Kohn <dan@dankohn.com>
- Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 15:13:27 -0700
- To: IETF Applications Area Discussion List <discuss@apps.ietf.org>
Jacob, what seems to be lacking in this discussion is an application of judgement. The IETF has never defined interoperability rules as formally as you seem to desire them. Most RFCs (including the MIME specs), contain what formalists may see as a huge mishmash of requirements, implementation advice, background discussion, non-normative definitions, and even humorous asides. (My personal favorite is the discussion of incorrect implementations in RFC 1982: "Nothing can be done with these implementations, beyond extermination.") But, while some might say that this is no way to run a standards organization, many (including myself) find that it the only way to do so, and any other approach to be stiflingly bureaucratic. So, to your specific question, no, my suggestion below is not the official IETF policy on to how to deal with an obsolete features section. But, it seems reasonable to me and it may very well seem reasonable to the IESG and the AD responsible for overseeing the interoperability report. If you want to review all the different approaches that have been taken to IETF interoperability testing, you might start with <http://www.google.com/search?q=interoperability+testing+ietf&num=30&sa=Goog le+Search>. Instead, I would suggest that you use your judgement in conducting the testing and then produce a report like <http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/Forum/Reports/rollup.txt>, although hopefully far less detailed since MHTML is a much simpler standard. If you really want help from this mailing list or ietf-822, then I would suggest writing up your plan for interoperability testing and having it reviewed by the list (with the understanding that the IESG are the audience that really counts at the end of the day). But these abstract conversations are not getting us anywhere, and therefore I too hereby drop out of the thread. - dan -- Daniel Kohn <mailto:dan@dankohn.com> tel:+1-425-602-6222 http://www.dankohn.com -----Original Message----- From: Jacob Palme [mailto:jpalme@dsv.su.se] Sent: Sunday, 2000-06-18 11:21 To: IETF Applications Area Discussion List Subject: RE: Only include implemented features in a draft standard At 03.25 -0700 0-06-18, Dan Kohn wrote: > Two different implementations must be able to correctly parse obsolete > messages. Implementations should never generate those messages. The > easiest way to do the test (and hopefully every MUA vendor will do this) is > simply to telnet to port 25 and feed in the obsolete message from the > example. Thus, the obsolete section would be interoperability tested if > both implementations produced the same parsed message. There is no > requirement for interoperability on generation, and in fact, MUAs are > required NOT to generate such messages. Thus, your second sentence doesn't > follow. I thought interoperability meant that one implementation could receive what another implementation produced. You say that interoperability means that two implementations will handle the same manually generated input in the same way. Is that really right? Or is that a special variant of interoperability, to be applied to "receive-only" specs, while "send-and-receive" specs will still be tested by testing that one implementation can receive what another implementation sends? -- Jacob Palme <jpalme@dsv.su.se> (Stockholm University and KTH) for more info see URL: http://www.dsv.su.se/jpalme/
Received on Sunday, 18 June 2000 18:28:06 UTC