need review for draft-ietf-ldapext-acl-reqts-01.txt


The LDAPEXT working group has submitted a document called
Access Control Requirements for LDAP for IESG approval.
I'd appreciate some review of this document by the extended community.

The issue is not so much whether we should publish the document
or whether they've dotted their i's and crossed their t's.
What I want to know is, do people think that these are reasonable 
design goals for LDAP ACLs?  

The reason I'm taking this unusual step is that I'd rather have 
their design goals reviewed now, than to question them when the 
protocol specification goes to Proposed Standard.  In addition 
to this list, I've also asked IESG to recruit security and 
operational experts to review this.


p.s. yes, we should change the title to "design goals" rather than 
"requirements", and this should be published as Informational rather 
than Proposed Standard (as it was Last Called).  We will ask for 
these things to be fixed in the next revision.  But right now we're 
more concerned with the criteria in the document, and we don't want 
to ask the authors to revise the document to fix the wording  
before we submit it for additional review.

Received on Friday, 26 March 1999 18:19:51 UTC