Re: CHECKOUT/UNCHECKOUT of configurations

Edgar wrote on 07/13/2003 04:28:02 PM:

> Is it necessary to CHECKOUT a configuration to be allowed to CHECKOUT 
> of it's members ?

No, only to CHECKIN one of its members.  One certainly could 
reasonably argue that the spec should have required this
(but currently, it doesn't).

> And if that applies suppose I modify or delete a member.

No, only to CHECKIN the version-controlled collection from which
you deleted the member.  Although as above, one certainly could
reasonably argue that the spec should have required this.

> Then I UNCHECKOUT the configuration. Is it necessary to undo the changes 

No, there is no such requirement for UNCHECKOUT.  And here again,
once certainly could reasonably argue that the spec should have
required this (but currently it doesn't).


Received on Sunday, 13 July 2003 22:03:42 UTC